
Online Training Courses Now Available

As one of the UK’s leading training providers Hands on Babies is delighted to announce the launch if it's new improved Online Virtual Training Academy

Hands on Babies are delighted to have developed a fantastic new interactive Virtual Academy whereby students can train Online in the Safety, Convenience and Comfort of their own home in both Baby Massage and Baby Yoga.

Cath Cole, Head of Training at Hands on Babies explains:

"We are delighted to announce the launch of our new and improved Virtual Training Academy. As one of the most advanced online training experiences available in the UK it is something that we've been developing for quite some time and is a fantastic interactive tool which will give our online students a complete and comprehensive training experience. To facilitate the learning process we have produced a host of videos and other online documents, which faithfully replicate our traditional face-to-face curriculum."



Cath also says:

"Hands on Babies online courses are self-paced, which means you can access the various sections of the curriculum at any time that suits you. The full process all the way through to accreditation can take place within the online environment - so you could be in a position to complete your training, get fully accredited by Hands on Babies and be good to go with your classes within a matter of weeks or if you prefer, take your time and work through everything over a number of months.

Hands on Babies online training is also fully approved by its Global Insurance partner so course attendees have the added Peace of Mind that  attaining full practice insurance at the end of the course, wherever you are in the world will not be a problem.

Unlike Face To Face training our Online Training Courses also have the benefits that students can watch and re-watch our content time and time again until they feel 100% Confident and Competent

The process of the training is also very similar to our Face-To-face Training.  Firstly you work through the curriculum content and familiarise yourself with all the information you need to know to run really effective parent facing sessions.

There is then an element of home study which you can do whenever you are ready and email to us for assessment.  There is also an element of practical assessment just as there is in our face to face sessions whereby we will invite you or your group of colleagues to our Live Virtual Classroom and have a facetime/skype type session whereby you can demonstrate the strokes and what you have learnt through your learning journey, or you can send us a stroke run-through which you could record on your phone or tablet.

To offer extra support (should you need it) we can also schedule Live Tutorials if there are any parts of the curriculum that you feel you need a little bit more guidance on or if you just feel you’d like the reassurance of running through things with a live instructor

Contact us today on 0845 017 6029 (local rate calls) or email us
 for more info on our Training Courses
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